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Demeter is the Goddess of the Harvest and Agriculture, a member of the 6 Traitors Dynasty, and the owner of Barley Mother. She currently resides in the Mortal Realm.

While seen in many of flashbacks, starting from Episode 6, she makes her official debut in Episode 113.


Demeter has green skin and dark violet hair. She is often adorned with golden accessories. While on Olympus, she wears professional suits and business attire in shades of black, white, and dark green. In the Mortal Realm, she favors flowing togas and dresses in white and purple.

Like most members of the 6 Traitors Dynasty, Demeter has scars on her body. Her scars appear on her back as four large, claw-like marks.


We largely see Demeter's personality through secondhand sources, as she lives in the Mortal Realm and has largely been seen in flashbacks. She appears to be hardworking, strong-willed, and protective, especially when it comes to her daughter. However, she is also obstinate and headstrong, believing that only she knows what's best for Persephone and often refusing to listen to any opinions that do not match her own. She has been described by Hades as the contrarian of the Six Traitors.

Through the perspective of her daughter and friends, Demeter is described further as an overbearing mother. She has helped Persephone from childhood to become successful, all the while keeping her on a tight leash out of fear for her safety. She didn't allow Persephone a phone, frequently photographs every moment of Persephone's life, and pushed her to train to be a sacred virgin. It appears that Demeter's helicopter parenting is a product of her fear of Persephone being used by any of Zeus’ lineage.

As it becomes clearer that Persephone is a fertility Goddess, Demeter is scared for her daughter and causes her to be more protective. She had Hermes fudge the records of incoming souls after Persephone caused many casualties in the Mortal Realm, and forced him to keep quiet about what occurred. In episode 114, when a drunken Hades inquired about Persephone, unaware of who she was, Demeter quickly changed the cup of coffee for Hades into alcohol to get him more drunk and have him forget he met Persephone at all.

After Persephone insists on staying in the underworld and neglecting her duties as Goddess of Spring, Demeter proceeds to a last resort by scheduling an "intervention" for her as a last desperate attempt to keep her daughter safe, even going as far as to not to listen to reason from Hestia over the fact her actions will cause her to lose Persephone forever.





Demeter watches Metis create her sister, Hestia.

Demeter was Metis' first creation, having been crafted from the earth. Very little is known about their relationship, including how Demeter reacted to Metis' fate, having been consumed by Zeus to increase his powers (in order to defeat Kronos).

Years later, Demeter would have her own daughter/creation, Persephone, and soon come to realization that like her creator, Persephone is also fertility goddess.



Hestia is Demeter's younger co-creation and sister, created by Metis along with Hera. They both agreed on a common goal for Persephone to be trained as a sacred virgin, and she even helped Demeter prepare Persephone for this role presumably since the latter's early adolescence. It is hinted that Hestia may know that Persephone is a fertility goddess, as she was seen with a guilty look on her face when she noticed the flower bloom from Persephone's powers. It is unknown why Hestia agreed to help Demeter make Persephone a sacred virgin, other than possibly wanting to protect her from being used as Zeus's pawn in a political marriage. Despite the two's supposed closeness, Demeter chose not to go to Hestia for help after Zeus put out an arrest warrant for her, stating that Hestia was a snitch.


Demeter and hera

Demeter cares for Hera.

Hera is Demeter's youngest co-creation and sister, created by Metis along with Hestia. When Hera was greatly injured by Kronos, Demeter was shown to be crying over Hera's body and would be helping her heal from her wounds. Over time, Demeter would have Persephone and felt comfortable enough to bring her along and let her meet Hera. Demeter has shown great anger over Zeus's many affairs, even working up the courage to refuse to hide another of his lovers and scream at him to stop cheating on Hera.

In the present day, Demeter did not know that Hera had chosen Hades as a suitable match for Persephone and sent the latter to intern at Underworld Corp. When Persephone went missing, Artemis and Eros asked Hera to pretend to be Persephone to have lunch with Demeter so they would not have to reveal the truth to her. Hera was against this plan but eventually went along with it under the condition that they would tell Demeter the truth if Persephone was not found soon. The lunch went on without Demeter realizing that "Persephone" was Hera.

When Zeus issued the arrest warrant after discovering Demeter covered up Persephone's act of wrath, Hera was furious at Zeus for doing such a thing without talking to her first, and because Demeter fought beside them during the Titanomachy and made it possible for Zeus to become king. When Demeter was in hiding, she met with Hecate and told her that she chose not to go to Hera due her allegiance with Zeus supposedly fluctuating at any given time, and feared she might have turned her in.



Poseidon and Demeter are two members of the 6 Traitors Dynasty, having known each other for many years. Eventually, sometime after Persephone's birth, the two had a brief relationship which resulted in the two having a son. However, Poseidon has not been present in their child's life, infuriating Demeter as their son frequently asks about him, and he has never provided her with any child support.




Demeter with a young Kore (Persephone).

Persephone is Demeter's only daughter. She is very protective of her, to the point of being overbearing and controlling. Although their relationship is often strained, and Persephone enjoys her new freedom on Olympus, they are shown to still be close to each other. Persephone respects her mother for her strong-willed attitude and often takes after her no-nonsense approach to conflict. She is also shown to miss her mother and wonders how she is doing in the Mortal Realm. She often puts what she believes to be best for Persephone over what Persephone wants herself. This has manifested for Persephone in the form of a nightmare where Demeter traps her in a greenhouse to keep her safe.

From an early age, Persephone was made to become the face of Demeter's Barley Mother brand. Demeter also signed her up for programs at school, such as spelling bees and swim competitions, and pushed her to excel in a variety of subjects. However, as it becomes apparent that Persephone was a Fertility Goddess, a rare Goddess that's born every few thousand years and respected among the mortals for bringing fertility to the earth, Demeter's reasons start to become more questionable.


Demeter attempts to hide Persephone.

Her efforts for trying to shield and hide Persephone from outsiders started to greatly affect Persephone, even causing Persephone to believe her mother feared her. When Persephone came of age, Demeter wanted Persephone to train as a sacred virgin and join the Goddesses of Eternal Maidenhood, giving her little choice in the matter. Persephone believes this is because Demeter wants to avoid Zeus marrying her off to sweeten a business deal with another God, and avoid both a terrible marriage, like Hera has with Zeus, and the adultery that happens on Olympus.

After Persephone was deceived by Zeus and Hera's son, Ares, she calls Demeter to "defend" her, Demeter has the flower nymphs follow Persephone to the point where she is now never alone. At an unknown time, Persephone would meet Hermes after he accidentally trespass on her bathing as he could bathe himself before returning home. As he came to the realization, she was Demeter's daughter, Hermes wanted to buy her silence as he feared what Demeter would do if she found out. Persephone would create a plan where Demeter would "outsmart" Hermes after he would try to deceive Demeter into meeting her and then apologize by saying he had already seen Persephone and wanted to give a suitable gift for Persephone.

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Hermes spying on Demeter and Persephone arguing.

Demeter fell for this and allowed the two to become friends, much to Persephone's excitement as she wanted more friends. The two became close friends which resulted in Hermes giving Persephone contraband and the two sneaking off to go skinning dippy. During this time, Hermes would see that Demeter and Persephone did not always get along.

Not long after, Persephone would meet with TGOEM and be offer the chance to move in with Artemis and live on Olympus. Demeter was quick to deny this opportunity for Persephone. The argument continues in the Mortal Realm where Persephone blames Demeter for the way people view her as a joke because she's been sheltering her whole life. Demeter argues she has provided Persephone paradise on earth and Persephone does not appreciate what she's done. To end the argument, she grounds Persephone and forbids her from sending letters to friends. This infuriates Persephone and states she would rather have Zeus marry her off so she could no longer be under Demeter's control and Demeter calls her an ungrateful brat.

Soon after the argument, Persephone would witness the deaths of her closest friends and commit an act of wrath. Demeter was quick to pay off Hermes so he can cover the souls arriving in the Underworld but was unable to do the same with the Titan Helios. Not long after this, she granted Persephone permission to live with Artemis when school started. Before that, the Goddess Hecate would arrive to study in the Mortal Realm and Demeter allows her friend to stay on her land where Hecate and Persephone became close.

One day, the King of the Underworld Hades arrives one night drunk and looking for his friend Hecate. While Demeter is trying to prevent Persephone from discovering he was on her property, she was too late as Persephone snuck into his room. Although he was drunk and their meeting was brief, Hades asks Demeter about Persephone and wishes to know who she was. This prompts Demeter to get him drunker and then return him to the Underworld with Hecate. When confronting Persephone about that night, she is horrified to discovered that Persephone finds him attractive. Unknown to Demeter, Persephone waited for Hades to return but as a result of Demeter getting him to blackout, he never arrived which deeply hurt Persephone.

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Demeter checking if Persephone is okay.

Persephone soon arrives at Olympus and the two would not meet again for many weeks. When Demeter arrives on Olympus, she makes it a point to visit but is unaware she was actually missing. To prevent her from finding out, Artemis and Eros ask Hera to disguise herself as Persephone and Demeter is fooled by the disused and goes to lunch with her. When news of about Persephone's act of wrath is release, she quickly goes into hiding and arrives to see Hecate and discovers she has seen Persephone.

Demeter decides against knowing her location in the case Zeus tries to torture the information out of her. She is completely unaware of the fact that Persephone is in the Underworld but also staying with Hades as their relationship grows. Sometime after this, Demeter is capture by the Titan Leto and then given to Apollo to be handed to Zeus.

The trial for Persephone's act of wrath begins and the two are reunited for the first time. The happy reunion is cut short when Demeter notices Persephone wearing a pomegranate insignia and when asking if she stayed with Hecate, Persephone tries to get her to focus on the trial. Just as they start to argue, Demeter becomes more frustrated over the fact an Underworld staff member refereed to Persephone as "My Lady." Persephone then questions Demeter if she is a Fertility Goddess which stuns Demeter.

Demeter tries to dismiss the subject by stating that a Fertility Goddess is nothing more than an old wives' tale but wishes to know exactly who has brought up the idea she might be a Fertilely Goddess. While Persephone does tell her Apollo, and a few others, have brought up the subject she wishes to hear the truth from Demeter as she doesn't like the idea Demeter knows more about her then herself. After Demeter argues that Persephone is too young to be concern with such a thing, Persephone argues back that she deserves to be treated as any other uncoddled, immortal being. Their argument is put on hold as them summon to begin the trial.

Persephone and demeter

Demeter becomes upset with Persephone's decision to have Hades represent her.

When they're in the court room, Persephone nominates Hades to act as her lawyer to which he accepts but Demeter greatly disapproves and stares down at Persephone. She snaps, asking Persephone what she was thinking before trying to tell Zeus she would not receive a fair trial if Themis was absent. Demeter pleads with Zeus to let Persephone out of this trial and when Persephone tries to calm her down, Demeter leans in to whisper in her ear that they were going to have a talk about her and Hades. Persephone agrees as she is upset with Demeter for making her believe that Hades had forgotten about her when they first met. The two split up as Demeter refuses Hades as her lawyer and decides to represent herself instead.

Moment later, the Muse Polymnia tells the courtroom about Persephone's act of wrath before Hermes arrives to tell his version of the story. As Hermes reveals how the two met, he also reveals the scheme to deceit Demeter months ago as Persephone wanted to have more friends, greatly shocking Demeter when she hears this.

When Thanatos begins his testimony, Persephone makes eye contact with her mother which frightens her and causes her to look down in fear and panic. Demeter would hear how Hades had been giving Persephone "special treatment" from Hades and much to her horror, discover that Persephone had nearly been strangled in Tower 4. While Persephone tells Demeter she was fine, she secretly panics at the fact Demeter now knew what happen. As Thanatos reveals that Thetis was the one who came up with the idea to report Persephone so Hades would leave Persephone to get back with Minthe, Demeter once again is staring at Persephone.

Demeter upset

Demeter upset with Persephone's plans.

As Zeus reveals to have Persephone's ledger that Thanatos stole from her room, he claims to have found "proof" that Persephone was undermining Hades. As Persephone explains the plans in the ledger were not to undermine Hades but a project she wanted to present to Hades, she reveals she doesn't want to return to Olympus or the Mortal Realm once the trial was over. Demeter is furious to discover this and questions Persephone about spring to which Persephone claims that the realm didn't need her, which only angers Demeter even more. Persephone claims she could make a difference in the Underworld if Hades accepted her help. As Hades goes through her plans and ask if her drawings were how she saw herself in his realm, Persephone nods despite the disapproving look from Demeter.

When Hades questions why Demeter never came to him when Persephone committed her act of wrath, Demeter states Persephone's safety meant more to her than protecting Hades' feelings and while Hades acknowledges this, he turns his focus on defending Persephone as her lawyer. As Hades has Persephone tell the court what happen the day, she committed her act of wrath, Demeter is shown crying over the deaths of the flower nymphs, Krokos and Withy, two of her childhood friends of Persephone which indicates she was close to them as well.

Once Hades proves his point that most gods such as Artemis and Apollo commit acts of wrath without permits, he goes off and compliments Persephone which worries Demeter. She stands up and ask to have time to speak to Persephone, which Zeus allows and decides to end the first day of the trial. Demeter and Persephone walk out and go to have privacy where Demeter confronts Persephone on why Hades is in love with her. Persephone states the two are just friends to which Demeter argues back that she's heard too much in the courtroom to believe it and sees Hades looking at her "as if he's never had a drop to drink, and you are a sparking river." Demeter feels hurt by Persephone's relationship with Hades when she sent her to Olympus for an education, leading to Persephone ending the argument as she reminds Demeter, she has been scrutinized all day.

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Demeter realizes Hades is in love with Persephone.

Persephone then confronts her mother about getting Hades' blackout drunk to forget her to which Demeter states she did it to protect her. While Persephone believes she meant to do that, Persephone was truly hurt to discover what she had done as she felt she made a connection with Hades. As Persephone admits she waited for him to return and never did as a result of Demeter, Persephone felt foolish in hoping Hades would return for her, shocking Demeter. After Persephone reveals that she is the one who is in love with Hades, she returns to her hotel room.

After Hades arrives from overhearing a conversation from Apollo and Hephaestus, Persephone confides in him about Apollo's assault on her. As Hades takes her to the Mortal Realm, the two retreat to a childhood vacation home Demeter would take Persephone as a child. When Hades questions Persephone about Demeter to which Persephone simply states she is mad at her and makes Persephone feel as though she could laugh as a result of her life falling apart.


Very little is known about the relationship between the two, but it would seem that Demeter is frustrated over the fact that Poseidon does not pay child support or see their son.

Extended Family[]


Demeter and Hades are members of the 6 Traitors Dynasty and Hades' future mother-in-law. According to Hades, Demeter would often argue with him about anything, and he found it difficult trying to get along with her. It is also the main reason he never tried courting her back in their youth.


Demeter vows to never give Hades what he wants from her.

After the war, it was promised that Demeter would be Queen of the Mortal Realm but when it came time for the six to vote, Hades voted against her and convinced Zeus to do the same. After discovering this, Demeter confronted him and discovered he didn't want to lose his rights to the volcanos. Demeter attempted to pled with him which only resulted in the two arguing and Hades to insulting her and refusing to trade his volcanos. Frustrated and angry, Demeter begins to cry and swears Hades will come to her one day for something and will refuse to ever give it to him. Hades laughs and mocks her before she leaves and the two seemingly never meet again or talk for years to come.

As years passed, Demeter would go on to have a daughter, Persephone, but Hades was among the many who were unaware as she raised her in the Mortal Realm. As Demeter came to suspect Persephone was a Fertility Goddess, she became fearful of a descent of Ouranos, Hades' grandfather, would attempt to use her for her powers just as they did to her mother, Metis. As a result, she did her best to hide her away and conceal her nature by pushing her to join the Goddesses of Eternal Maidenhood.


An angry Demeter helping Hecate return Hades home.

One night, a very drunk Hades came to Demeter's compound in the Mortal Realm to visit Hecate. Hecate notified Demeter that Hades was there, and she panicked, thinking that Hades had come to investigate the lost souls from Persephone's act of wrath. She was relieved and annoyed to find that he was simply drunk and intended to sober him up with coffee and usher him on his way. However, when he asked her about who the "pink goddess" was, she quickly became tense, claiming he probably just saw a flower nymph. When Hades let slip that he wanted to know if she was available, Demeter panicked and changed the coffee for Hades into alcohol to get him drunk enough to forget her daughter, making sure he wouldn't tell Zeus about her or try to court her.

While in hiding after Persephone's act of wrath is revealed, Demeter is unaware that Persephone has not only met Hades one again, but she has been hiding in the Underworld with his help and the two have been forming a romantic relationship. Both Hecate and Persephone both show fear on what Demeter might do when she discovers that Persephone has been living with Hades and Leto has taunted Persephone with the idea, she could lose Demeter if she decided to keep perusing her relationship with Hades.

While in hiding after Persephone's act of wrath is revealed, Demeter was unaware that Persephone had not only met Hades once again, but she had been hiding in the Underworld with his help and the two have been forming a strong romantic relationship in the weeks she moved for school. Both Hecate and Persephone both show fear on what Demeter might do when she discovers that Persephone has been living with Hades. Leto had also taunted Persephone with the idea that she could lose Demeter if she decided to keep perusing her relationship with Hades.

After Demeter was capture by Leto and the trial for Persephone's act of wrath begins, Demeter is reunited with Persephone but quickly notices the pomegranate insignia she is wearing. She is greatly disturbed by hearing an Underworld staff member calling Persephone "My Lady" and Persephone not asking if she had been staying with Hecate. When their summon to the courthouse, Persephone nominates Hades as her lawyer much to the disapproval of Demeter. She refuses Hades to act as her lawyer despite Persephone's pleads and decides to represent herself. She is notably upset when Polymnia describes Persephone seducing Hades during her time in Olympus.

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Demeter stresses over Hades complimenting Persephone.

Throughout the trial, she hears about Persephone and Hades' relationship which infuriates her. When Persephone reveals she has no intention to return to the Mortal Realm and wants to stay in the Underworld to help Hades, Demeter is left shock. While he acknowledges the two have had a rough history, Hades seemed hurt that Demeter didn't trust him and questions why Demeter never came to him. Demeter states Persephone's safety meant more to her than protecting Hades' feelings and while Hades acknowledges this, he turns his focus on defending Persephone as her lawyer.

Once Hades proves his point that most gods such as Artemis and Apollo commit acts of wrath without permits, he goes off and compliments Persephone by saying she is a, "brave, intelligent, articulate, generous, beautiful woman" which worries Demeter. She asks to have time to speak to Persephone, which Zeus allows and decides to end the first day of the trial. As Demeter and Persephone walk away, Hades looks back in concern. Unknown to him, Demeter confronts Persephone on why Hades is in love with her, and Persephone reveals it is she who fell in love with him. After Persephone in Hades and then later tells Hades about Apollo's assault on her, Hades takes Persephone to the Mortal Realm. As they walk together, Hades asks Persephone about Demeter's condition to which Persephone admits she is furious over the day's revelations.

As the trial resumes, it ends in tragedy as Zeus banishes Demeter and Persephone for 10 years. In those years, both Hades and Demeter would fall into a coma due to the scars from Kronos and only wake up when Persephone returns to the Underworld, eats the pomegranate and becomes Queen of the Underworld. While Persephone celebrates her return and relationship with Hades, Demeter returns to her land where she discovers from Daphne and Artemis the events that took place when she was asleep.

As Demeter leaves to return Cerebrus, who had space from the Underworld to warn Persephone, she worries about Persephone's love for Hades and hopes it has gone away. As Demeter waits for the two at home, she is upset when see the happy couple wet and hugging. Their moment ends as Persephone reunites with her mom and Hades gives the two spaces, giving him a chance to start tea and worry how he is going to get make amends with Demeter. As Hades return with tea, he is distraught to hear Demeter requesting Persephone to leave with her and drops the tea.


Demeter wishes to speak to Hades.

As Persephone confirms Demeter's fears that she is still in love with Hades, Demeter keeps attempting to talk her out of it until Persephone gives her the ultimatum to leave or stay without insulting the two. As Demeter request a moment alone with Hades, Persephone refuses and insist the two can speak about her in front of her.

Demeter degrades Hades, who remains silent, as she tells him that he is no good for her daughter and should be ashamed for using her gifts, Demeter is only silence when Persephone reveals she is Queen of the Underworld which brings Demeter to tears and questions how Hades could claim he loves Persephone by allowing her to make a deal with Erebos. Not long after, Demeter leaves to return home and is furious over the situation while Hades begins to feel guilt over the Demeter's words.

Days after, Persephone head to the Mortal Realm where Persephone has to fulfil her promise to Ares by having one date with him. Hades accompanies her in the form of the moth to not raise suspicious. from Ares After the "date," Persephone and Hades make their way to see Demeter. Persephone request Hades remain in his moth form to prevent further argument. As mother and daughter meet, Persephone is ambushed by an intervention set up my Demeter and the members of TGOEM regarding her past decisions.


Demeter traps Hades.

As Persephone is distracted by the sudden surprise, Demeter recognizes Hades is a moth and traps him as she warns him to do everything in her power to prevent him from ruining Persephone's life. When Persephone question her "moth" disappearance, Demeter lies with ease and states it flew away and left her. As the invention begins, Hades listens to Demeter belittling Persephone's accomplishments in the Mortal Realm in Demeter's 10-year absence and questions her ability to be queen. Hades grows furious and the glass he's trapped in begins to crack, catching Hestia's attention.

After forcing Persephone to dress in her TGOEM ceremonial gown and further doubting Persephone's skill, Hestia releases Hades who reverts back to his god form and comes to Persephone's aide. Hades lifts Persephone's spirits up, proclaiming his love for her once more as Demeter tearfully pleads with him to stop talking. With Persephone's encouragement, he continues before he tells Demeter that Persephone owes him a debt which only infuriates her more. Both Hades and Persephone ignore Demeter's plead as Hades proposes and Persephone accepts, further devasting Demeter.




Hecate helping Demeter with Hades.

The two goddesses have associated for some time, enough to the point where Demeter allowed Hecate to be around Persephone, and the two bringing a drunk Hades back to her temple so he could sleep it off. Hecate was also the first-person Demeter turned to after going on the run from Zeus, revealing her reasoning behind sheltering her daughter. Demeter opened up to Hecate over her suspicions of Persephone being Fertility Goddess, which Hecate seemed to believe to be nothing more than a myth but was still comforted by her. Like Persephone, Hecate was aware of how Demeter would react when she discovered Persephone's close relationship with Hades.

Hecate and Demeter would meet again as Demeter and Persephone's trial began. When Demeter refused for Hades to act as her lawyer, Hecate went to her side to give her support, but Demeter snapped at her, furious to discover a relationship forming between Persephone and Hades, as she trusted Hecate to watch over Persephone.



Helios has a clear dislike for Demeter, as she is part of the 6 Traitors Dynasty, who were responsible for his imprisonment. He referred to her as a traitor, and also called her "a real piece of work." This is due to the fact that she attempted to bribe him to keep quiet after he witnessed Persephone's act of wrath. He refused to be paid off, and claimed there wasn't much she could offer him regardless and appeared to find it insulting that she attempted to in the first place.


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Leto traps Demeter.

Little is known about their relationship, but it would seem they may have known each other for many years and currently do not get along. When Leto was in the Underworld, she found Demeter, disguised as a bird, and trapped her in an enchanted cage. Leto kept Demeter for some time before revealing her to Apollo, Leto's son, wanting him to use Demeter as a bargaining chip so he could gain Persephone's hand in marriage.

Demeter was unable to realize what their plot was, as she could not understand their conversation while within the cage. When Apollo delivered her to Zeus, the trial began, and she was released from her cage to return to her true form. When she was reunited with Persephone, she told her that she believes Leto captured her for the sole purpose of reversing her banishment and called the plot pathetic.


Apollo demeter

Demeter threatens Apollo.

Apollo is the son of Leto and twin brother to Artemis, Persephone's former roommate. Demeter was shown to despise Apollo, and Apollo is shown to be afraid of her. Demeter was unaware that Apollo had sexually assaulted Persephone weeks before. When Demeter visited Artemis home to see Persephone, she instead found Apollo at the house and firmly reminded Artemis to not let men in her house. She then took a good look at Apollo and angrily ordered him to stay away from her daughter. Apollo does not listen to this threat and instead continued his attempts at making Persephone his wife not knowing that is his and Artemis's future aunt through Hades.

When Demeter went into hiding after Persephone's act of wrath was revealed, Leto captured her and showed Apollo that Demeter, who had transformed into a bird, was trapped in a birdcage. She offered Demeter to him as a way for Apollo to regain Zeus' favor, and to hopefully convince him to let Apollo marry Persephone, which their plan ultimately failed.



Hermes and Demeter have known each other for years, has he often travels through the Mortal Realm to make deliveries. Like many Gods, he seems to fear Demeter, which was shown after he trespassed and accidentally interrupted Persephone's bath while trying to clean himself up. When the two talked, Hermes revealed that he thinks Demeter is trying to hide something, and was soon informed that it was Persephone herself, since she is Demeter's daughter.

After Persephone playfully teased him about the scandal that was him intruding on her bath and being naked before her, he asked her what she wanted so she would not tell Demeter. He attempted to deliver the encyclopedias that she requested by claiming that Athena gave him unwanted copies that she accidentally ordered, but this did not work as Demeter quickly realized that he had met Persephone.

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Demeter threaten Hermes.

Hermes apologized for his deception and quickly stated that he understood why Demeter hid her away from the other gods. After complimenting Persephone and revealing how he brought a suitable gift for her, Demeter allowed the two to speak, but not before warning him of Persephone's status as a TGOEM candidate and to not talk about her on Olympus.

Hermes and Persephone were well aware anything could change Demeter's attitude towards their friendship which is why they kept certain aspects of their friendships from Demeter, such as them skinny dipping together and Hermes delivering so-called "contraband" to Persephone in secret. Hermes witnessed the rising tension between mother and daughter and came to the realization that Demeter was trying to raise Persephone as a mortal, which he could sense would lead to a dangerous road.

After having witnessed the aftermath of Persephone's act of wrath, the Hermes and Demeter spent hours together calming Persephone back into her usual form before the two brought her home. Hermes was willing, if anxious, to manipulate the records for the input of shades after Demeter bribed him to, with the latter threatening that she would expect the money back with interest if she were to find out that he revealed this incident to anyone. Demeter was aware that he cared deeply for Persephone, which she subsequently used against him to keep him silent.

At the trial, Hermes told his story of covering up Persephone's act of wrath and how he discovered Demeter had a daughter he never knew about. He revealed that the scheme Persephone had come up with for the two to stay in contact was due to her desire for more friends, which seemed to shock Demeter.


Demeter and Zeus are both members of the 6 Traitors Dynasty. When the two were young, it seemed there was a mutual attraction that Metis picked up on as she claims Demeter and Hera had a crush on Zeus and Zeus spoke to his brothers about choosing between the two sisters. Over the years, Demeter came to see Zeus as morally corrupt, which aided in her decision to live in the Mortal Realm and raise Persephone there. When Persephone was a young child, Zeus arrived one day, and Demeter was quick to send her away before going to deal with Zeus.

As Zeus continued to cheat on Hera, Demeter showed a great disdain towards him for his infidelity but had previously taken in his mistresses when prompted to in fear of what he would do if she refused. One day, Demeter snapped and stood her ground, refusing to hide another of Zeus' mistresses and demanding that he stop cheating on Hera. This later led to Zeus enacting an act of wrath against Demeter, in which he raised her land and crops with his lightning. In the present day, Demeter and Zeus are still at odds with each other.

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Demeter snaps at Zeus.

Zeus was also one of the many reasons why Demeter feared for Persephone and sheltered her so much, especially after she realized that her daughter was a fertility goddess, Demeter was aware of a pattern in Zeus's bloodline in which the men would use a fertility goddess to increase their own power, overthrow their fathers and claim their position as king of the gods, and feared one of Zeus' sons would do the same to Persephone. As Persephone mentioned, if she were a member of TGOEM, it would protect her from the possibility of Zeus marrying her off for a business deal, along with shielding her from potential suitors.

After Zeus discovered Demeter covered up Persephone's act of wrath, he issued a warrant for their arrests without consulting his brothers or anyone else. This infuriated Hades and Hera, who stated that Demeter was one of the reasons that Zeus is king to begin with. When Apollo delivered an imprisoned Demeter to Zeus, the trial began shortly thereafter. As Demeter and Persephone stood before Zeus, Persephone nominated Hades as her lawyer, much to Demeter and Zeus' shock and ire. Demeter then tried to explain to Zeus that she could not expect a fair trial if Themis was not present; but as she was on maternity leave at the time, Zeus chose to carry on. After her sentencing, Demeter pled to Zeus to not punish Persephone, but he ignored her and did so anyway.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Demeter has the ability to bring spring to the Mortal Realm. Her version of spring is notably very controlled and orderly.
  • She can produce prehensile vines that can wrap around and restrain others. These are powerful enough to hold down the god Ares. 
  • Demeter wields a pitchfork that she is skilled in using as a weapon.
  • She has the power of flight.
  • She is able to spontaneously change the nature of substances, first seen when she changed the coffee she planned on giving to Hades into alcohol.
  • Demeter is able to shapeshift into a small songbird.
  • While powerful, Demeter mentions during the trial that she does not possess the power that Metis used to create her, Hestia, and Hera externally and in the forms of young adults. Instead, she combined her divine power and one million perfect roses to make herself pregnant.



  • According to Rachel, Demeter created Persephone.[1]
  • In Episode 96, Demeter is shown to have four large claw like scars on her back but in Episode 162, she was shown in a flashback by Hades to have only gotten three large scars.
  • According to Persephone, Demeter believes that banks are owned by greedy charlatans.
  • According to the QnA 2018 (from Webtoons), Demeter's favorite drink is 'Barley Water' (Beer).
  • In the original version of episode 119, Hera refers to Demeter and Hestia as her sisters, but they are not related. The line confused some readers, leading Rachel to clarify that "sisters" was "not meant in the classic blood relative way, but to convey a sense of their once-close relationship/bond". To clear up the confusion, the comic was later updated, and "sisters" was changed to "friends." Additionally, Hera has referred to Persephone as being her friend's daughter in episode 20. Given that Rachel has written the story as to avoid the incestuous relationships from the original mythos, it would be contradictory for her to have these three be sisters, to suddenly have Persephone's first kiss be with her supposed elder cousin (Ares), and to have Hera considering Persephone's supposed cousins (Ares and Hephaestus) as potential suitors for her.
    • According to the LINEWEBTOON Facebook page, Metis is the "mother" of Demeter, Hestia, and Hera via creation, not birth.[2] It should be noted, however, that the provided chart contains inaccurate/outdated information regarding Persephone's creation and birth, given the reveal that Demeter was physically pregnant with her for a time, so it should be referenced with caution.


  1. Lore Olympus Story FAQ